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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Don't worry, I'm still here!

 It's been a minute. Time has a way of moving forward unimpeded regardless of our documenting and chronicling its every moment.

Now in my 50s, I have one teen left. He is home for the summer, but spends the majority of the year in Arizona where he goes to school. He was back a week and managed with the help of his Dad to get a job for the summer. More than I could have hoped for! Working in the bag room at a country club golf course. More than HE could have hoped for.

The other two are college grads with jobs and lives and officially off of our family payroll, as we say. Successfully launched, as my friend would say.

I am attempting to wean myself from a 32 year adrenaline addiction working in critical care. I won't say I don't miss it. I will say it's better for me, I know that. Will I continue to be good to myself? That remains to be seen.

My husband is retired from law enforcement. He currently lives his best life as a would be farmer, part time morgue attendant and golf starter at the afore mentioned country club. Who says you can't learn new things?

We built a house on 25 acres in a rural setting. We are throughly enjoying the quiet, self sufficiency, hard work and learning new things. Neighbors are kind, welcoming and always willing to help out in a jam. I think they take pity on the town folks that have come to live in the country. It is a very different lifestyle. A change that we were ready for whether we realized it our not.

So it may be that I'm too busy to write or that it is no longer a priority or, I just don't know where it fits in with this new life. It is a learning curve, and we are on it. So stay tuned!


  1. I’d been wondering where you got to! 😉😉 #monica

  2. B, it’s so good to see you back! Makes my heart happy! Can’t wait for my regular overdose of laughs! WLD


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